Open Access

Creation of Ultra-long Pure Magnetization Needle by Circularly Polarized Beam with a Ternary Optical Element

M. Udhayakumar, Department of Physics, Chikkanna Government Arts College, Trippur, TN, India. Haresh M. Pandya, Department of Physics, Chikkanna Government Arts College, Trippur, TN, India. K. B. Rajesh
Department of Physics, Chikkanna Government Arts College, Trippur, TN, India.

J. Environ. Nanotechnol., Volume 8, No 3 (2019) pp. 34-40



The light-induced magnetization needle was made by tightly focusing a circularly polarized beam and modulating it using a self-designed ternary hybrid (phase/amplitude) filter (THF), based on Vector diffraction theory and the Inverse Faraday effect. The adaptable particle swarm optimization (PSO) searching technique prudently optimized the phase and amplitude patterns of THF. It was noted that optimizing produced an ultra-long pure magnetization needle with a lateral sub-wavelength scale and a super-long spherical magnetization chain with three-dimensional super-resolution. The present research on super-resolution magnetization patterns is very valuable in high density all-optical magnetic recording, atomic trapping and confocal and magnetic resonance imaging.

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